الجمعة، 11 يوليو 2014

Sun Microsystems: Jumping for Java

Java is a programming language invented by James Gosling in 1992 while working in the labs of Sun Microsystems, to be used as a think tank used to run devices Applied smart like Altillfzion Interactive, was the Java language a development of the language of CNN Plus Plus (C + +), and when she was born dubbed Mptla "oak" meaning oak tree;, a tree that was seen from the window of his office and is working in the labs of Sun Microsystems, and then change the name to Java, and this name (unusually in the naming of programming languages​​) is not the first letters of the words of a particular phrase or an expression of a certain sense, but it is just a name and put developers of this language to compete with other names, one of the programming languages​​, any set of commands and instructions given to a computer in the form of a program written in a language specific programming by word processor, and consists of program source of several lines and each line is a sentence, Computer and deal with each phrase in a specific order to complete 
the program, which is designed to achieve.
But why is this Java gained fame and global attention? 
To answer this question, we recognize the way in which first developed by the Java language. In the early nineties of the twentieth century, in 1990 invented the Java language by Sun Microsystems and this invention is the story of wonder, where the company was before it had been commissioned architect James Gosling developed software to run the hardware Applied Smart (such as Altillfzion Interactive) using the C + + language, and then found James Jozlenj difficulty in dealing with this language, so he is a team assistant has developed this language gave birth to a new language consistent with the needs were the Java language, has planned Sun in those days to take advantage of this language fledgling Altillfzion interactive in order to earn billions, and the event type of slow project interactive TV may intentionally other companies competition and as a result I thought Sun in the arrest of a project to develop this language nascent and layoffs in this project or transferred to another department, but the event was not taken into account since in this period was the Internet has begun to spread with astonishing speed with the descent of the Windows system to the markets, and as the Java language nascent which was originally invented for programming devices applied the features making it more compatible with the World Wide Web Internet, has had a head start and added a lot to the Internet (which was earlier restricted to the exchange of text), but the developers Sun's devised a way to make Java programs operate easily in the pages of the Internet, and changed the name which had been given to him by Mptla of oak (oak tree) to Java, hence became Java linked in fame to the Internet, where the Java program small is placed in the page of the web site, he sees millions all over the world at the same time, and this was not available, but with Java, which gave her wide acclaim, Fortunately for the Sun to the Java language asserted itself in the domain that has developed originally , has begun now Altillfzion interactive to spread the so-called Cinema home viewing on demand, and not only that; but spread what is more beneficial for the Sun, a mobile phone, and Java bigger role in the programming software that works in generations past and future, and do not be surprised to happen type of jealousy between the Microsoft Corporation and Sun Microsystems, prompting Microsoft to be deleted machine Javaalafteradih of Asdaralawl for Windows XP, and this machine virtualization responsible for displaying Java programs on the Internet, but Microsoft fell in front of the request of millions of users around the world Vodatha again in later versions, The issue was addressed by renowned newspapers and magazines over the past year.
Has contributed to the fame also enabled interactive scientific programs suitable for most educational curricula at all levels of education, and therefore have a significant role in e-learning and distance education and virtual classrooms.
Java is a programming language from Sun Microsystems. The primary objective of the emergence of Java is to find a language similar to C + + language in terms of syntax, as well as object-oriented programming, and designed to work on a virtual machine so you do not need to be translated again when using the programs on the operating platform or a new operating system, where the Sun creates virtual machines to run Java on most platforms and operating systems existing, bringing it possible to translate the program once and then run on different systems or what she called the Sun to Write once, run anywhere (: Write Once, run anywhere).
A Brief History 
Java began as a claims Oak) Oak) Oak (label came from an oak tree was standing outside the headquarters of Sun Microsystems), by the father of Java, James Gosling James Gosling in June 1991 to be used in the project Set Top Box.
The aim of the project is making a programming language works on any small device, during a small period changed the objectives of the project and the project itself to change Java has issued the first version of them in 1995. Was the first version of Java cares about providing the possibility of making Web applets (which operates in a web browser) and during a short time has become the most Internet browsers support JavaScript because of high potential, stability, and safety and provided them in that period.
In 1998 was the development of Java drastically and became known as Java 2, and the most important developments that have been developed in this version are the possibilities in the Java graphical interface for the user. Then there were many developments of this language, which is still ongoing development, and through the years it has evolved and become Java is used for the manufacture of office software, Internet software, web pages, applications, mobile devices and many others.